b. 1995 oeiras, portugal
solo exhibition
2022 in_a_bridge, Palazzo Libertà, venice, italy
2021 Invisible atlas, FITA Kiosk, lisbon, portugal
group exhibitions
2022 UTOPIA, DYSTOPIA - the creative room #2, a.topos Gallery, SPARC* - Spazio Arte Contemporanea, venice, italy
2022 Têxteis Lar, POUSIO & lx lapa, lisbon, portugal
2021 12x12, mercado de santa clara, lisbon, portugal
2021 Impressions de Venise, Garance & Marion Gallery, venice, italy
2020 Be-Coming, A.Topos, venice, italy
2019 libertà, al sole, venice, italy
2019 de fio a pavio, de uma ponta à outra, tarimba collective, lisbon, portugal
2018 12x12, galeria arte graça, lisbon, portugal
2018 arte no páteo, m.art.house, rua da junqueira, lisbon, portugal
2018 gaba, open galleries of fine arts, fbaul, lisbon, portugal
2017 12x12, galeria arte graça, lisbon, portugal
2017 emerging artists auction exhibition at cabral moncada auctioneers, lisbon, portugal
2017 gaba, open galleries of fine arts, fbaul, lisbon, portugal
2017 artlab mitos e rituais da tapeçaria contemporânea, library-museum condes de castro, guimarães, portugal
2017 artlab mitos e rituais da tapeçaria contemporânea, ipvc, viana do castelo, portugal
2017 artlab mitos e rituais da tapeçaria contemporânea, trilogias do mundo, portalegre, portugal
2017 visões do outro, convent of christ, tomar, portugal
2016 12x12, travessa de santo antónio a santos, lisbon, portugal
2016 gaba, open galleries of fine arts, fbaul, lisbon, portugal
2015 12x12, travessa de santo antónio a santos, lisbon, portugal
2015 gaba, open galleries of fine arts, fbaul, lisbon, portugal
2015 ensaio para uma exposição, galeria 25 de abril, lisbon, portugal
2014 gaba, open galleries of fine arts, fbaul, lisbon, portugal
2018 post graduation in art market and collecting, nova school of social sciences and humanities, lisbon, portugal
2017 bachelor of arts in fine arts, faculty of fine arts, university of lisbon, portugal
2016 semester abroad in painting, fine arts academy, venice, italy
2019 ca dei preti, venice, italy
2019 the artsiest, coletivo tarimba, lisbon, jan 11
2019 gerador, coletivo tarimba nasce para dar voz a novos artistas, feb 17
press release
2019 gallergry, libertà means freedom, may 14
conferences and talks
2019 talks on peggy guggenheim’s life and artists from the peggy guggenheim collection, venice, italy
2019 artist seminar, peggy guggenheim collection, venice, italy